I sampled the Chocolate & Raspberry bar first:
and the inside:
so decadent and delicious! A little higher in calories than I normally like for a bar (270), but at 90.5% raw and with these ingredients: cashews, dates, agave nectar, cocoa processed with alkali, almonds, raspberry powder & sprouted flax seed, and a totally scrumptious taste, it's hard to say anything bad :) I give these bad boys two raw almond-butter-covered thumbs up! I can't wait to try some of the other flavors. Thank you Raw Revolution!!! Check out their website for some more info on what makes these bars so stellar!
I had this tasty green juice first thing this morning:
It was cucumber, kale stems, an apple, lemon, ginger, celery & spinach. I like to have green juice every morning, right after my mug of warm water with lemon... it is totally energizing and seems to start the day off right!
Then an old friend joined me ....
after seeing this post of Averie's, I knew I had to get some! It was extremely yummy :) I had it black, with a touch of agave. It's making me pretty wired since I don't have coffee very often anymore! I love making coffee in the french press. It's fun, and it adds that certain je ne sais quoi flavor - love it!
Last night, I made this lovely concoction -
from roasted sweet potatoes and this pot
of sauteed onion, garlic, jalapenos, tomatoes, and black beans. Also in there were these:
Oven-roasted poblanos! The easiest way to do these is to just wash them, lightly coat in oil (from a misto works great), and put in a baking dish at 400*. Once they look like this:
remove from the oven and put in a bag: (the steam helps the skin to release from the pepper)
Once cool, peel and you have:
then chop and use as desired. Really simple right?
Last night was pretty chill. Tonight I have a birthday/graduation dinner for my best friend at a steakhouse with a fixed menu. Salmon is an option, which I'll probably order, though to be honest - I'm not a salmon lover. If I do eat it, I like it raw - sashimi style (no rice). As my diet tends to be more and more raw, and since I can't eat gluten (allergy) and tend not to eat dairy (I avoid cow dairy 99% of the time and occasionally eat goat or sheep cheese) and rarely eat seafood and never eat meat, I'm not always the most versatile dinner guest. It's funny - just a year ago, I was the girl who could out-eat any of the guys at the all-you-can-eat-meat Brazilian steakhouse (just the thought makes me cringe now). Now, I eat a high-raw, almost vegan (seafood maybe once a month, cheese maybe every other week) diet. What do you do in situations where you don't want to make a big deal about your diet, but it's socially awkward?
In other news, I had the MRI on my knee this past Monday. Apparently, I tore a bunch of ligaments, chipped some bone and damaged some cartilage - surgery scheduled for May 13. This will help to stabilize my knee so this doesn't happen again... so hopefully a good thing. For now, as the swelling decreases, the bruising is coming out - not so pretty. Also, my entire tailbone is fractured.... painful.
Anyway - enough ramblings for now - I am off to hit the farmer's market in St. Pete with my mom - the weather is glorious here! Hope it is where you are too!