I made this delicious concoction:
I substituted raw almonds & cashews for the walnuts (I think the cashews made it more butter-y), and added a tablespoon of raw coconut butter (from a new jar, so there was some coconut oil from the top layer), plus a sprinkle of sea salt. I also only added a dash of agave, and even that made it too sweet for me overall - still tasty though! I love the raw cocoa powder I've been using. I got it from Earth Shift (after readng the Fitnissista's recommendation of the website) and it has the most magnificent, fudgy taste to it. Love it! I skipped the vanilla - the only vanilla we had in the house was the McCormick which has corn syrup in it... sorta ruins the whole raw thing, and why do they have to put corn syrup in it?
I ate this recently:
... totally my favorite flavor so far. On the sweet side, but I love
that it has spirulina in it (which, to be honest, I don't really taste -
but it's green & pretty & so good for you!) - and it is really
satisfying. I had half on our way to the Outlet Mall in Orlando on
Sunday. I scored some fun stuff at Victoria's Secret, a few tops at the
7 jeans store and a new bikini at Betsey Johnson - hey, you gotta be
ready for the beach season, even when you live in Florida ;)
Something fun to do: Go check out Katie's blog and enter the Chopstick
Challenge. As you've seen from a few of my photos, you know I'm no
stranger to chopsticks... but you probably don't know that I use them
for almost everything! My husband happens to be half Vietnamese, but
that's not why... I just like them! Also, check
out her contest to win a Shopping Spree at iherb.com!
Plans for the rest of the night include using these beauties:
to makes some raw ice cream! I'm so excited! We just got the ice cream maker, so the bowl is freezing away in the freezer. I just bough the Raw Godesses' e-book (both actually! plans to do the moonie pie challenge this week...), so I'm going to try her recipe for the n'ice cream - love strawberry season! Have a fabulous evening!