
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Pregnancy Update: Week 29

Hi friends! Happy Thanksgiving! The hubby and I drove to Pensacola to spend the week with my in-laws. We spent a few days in New Orleans visiting my extended family (the backdrop for the week 29 preggo photo is Jackson Square), and we're headed home on Saturday. Even though it's awesome to see the fam, I am ready for my king size bed! We've been cramped in a double bed all week (with my snoogle, naturally) and it's a tight squeeze.

So much for the weekly updates! But here is week 29...

The bump has grown: (hopefully these are labeled correctly - you think you're going to remember and then... that goes too, along with everything else - thank you preggo mushy brain!)

Week 21: (these are the best sweatpants EVER! I highly recommend them, preggo or not! super comfy)

Week 25:

Week 29:

Pregnancy Stats:

How Far Along: 29 weeks

Size of baby: Baby Spice is the size of a butternut squash

Total Weight Gain: 18 lbs

Gender: Sweet baby girl

Movement: LOTS! Especially when Rich puts his hand on my belly

Sleep: Good on most nights. Still waking up frequently during the night to pee :/ and I woke up 2 days ago with the worst cramp in my calf. And it still hurts.

What I miss: Wine! In big glasses J

Cravings: salad. Kale. Avocadoes. All my “usual” food. It’s hard for me to decide what I feel like eating (nothing will sound appealing) so it’s mostly been smoothies and salad. Especially this week while visiting fam - I've been chowing down on greens while everyone else feasts on meat and oysters.

Symptoms: some moodiness, but no more headaches (keeping my fingers crossed!). At 26 weeks, my fundal height was measuring low (only 22cm), so I had an extra ultrasound (everything was okay, even though of course I freaked out and cried for hours) and was amazed at how much little girl has grown in the past month!

Maternity Clothes: nothing new recently, but everything still fits that I have been wearing

Best Moment this week: Several people in the past week or so have said how “tiny” I am – what can I say, the compliments really made my day! And after she hugged me, my aunt said "wow, I can still feel a waist! You don't even look pregnant from the front!" That was pretty sweet :)

We had a few chilly days and noticed that Maki would be super cuddly and always want to be under her blanket - so we got her a sweater :)

that's my little poser!

This year, I am most thankful for the little girl growing in my belly. I can't believe the pregnancy is already 75% over! Our baby shower is coming up on December 10. So excited!

What are you most thankful for this year?