The bump has grown: (hopefully these are labeled correctly - you think you're going to remember and then... that goes too, along with everything else - thank you preggo mushy brain!)
Week 21: (these are the best sweatpants EVER! I highly recommend them, preggo or not! super comfy)
Week 25:
Week 29:
Pregnancy Stats:
How Far Along: 29 weeks
Size of baby: Baby Spice is the size of a butternut squash
Total Weight Gain: 18 lbs
Gender: Sweet baby girl
Movement: LOTS! Especially when Rich puts his hand on my belly
Sleep: Good on most nights. Still waking up frequently during the night to pee :/ and I woke up 2 days ago with the worst cramp in my calf. And it still hurts.
What I miss: Wine! In big glasses J
Cravings: salad. Kale. Avocadoes. All my “usual” food. It’s hard for me to decide what I feel like eating (nothing will sound appealing) so it’s mostly been smoothies and salad. Especially this week while visiting fam - I've been chowing down on greens while everyone else feasts on meat and oysters.
Symptoms: some moodiness, but no more headaches (keeping my fingers crossed!). At 26 weeks, my fundal height was measuring low (only 22cm), so I had an extra ultrasound (everything was okay, even though of course I freaked out and cried for hours) and was amazed at how much little girl has grown in the past month!
Maternity Clothes: nothing new recently, but everything still fits that I have been wearing
Best Moment this week: Several people in the past week or so have said how “tiny” I am – what can I say, the compliments really made my day! And after she hugged me, my aunt said "wow, I can still feel a waist! You don't even look pregnant from the front!" That was pretty sweet :)
We had a few chilly days and noticed that Maki would be super cuddly and always want to be under her blanket - so we got her a sweater :)